#022 - Advance Wars (Game Boy Advance)
#021 - Silent Hill 2 (Playstation 2)
#020 - Streets of Rage 3 (Mega Drive)
#019 - Dragon's Lair 3D (XBox, Playstation 2 et Gamecube)
#018 - Axelay (Super Nintendo)
#017 - Aero The Acrobat (Super Nintendo et Mega Drive)
#015 - Knuckles Chaotix (Megadrive 32X)
#014 - Viewtiful Joe (Gamecube)
#011 - The Legend of Zelda - Oracles of Season & Ages (Game Boy Color)
#008 - Art of Fighting 3 (Neo Geo)
#007 - The Legend of Zelda : Majora's Mask (Nintendo 64)
#006 - EarthBound (Super Nintendo)
#005 - Prince of Persia (Playstation 3 et Xbox 360)
#004 - The Witcher (PC & Xbox 360)
#003 - Batman & Robin (Super Nintendo)
#002 - Duke Nukemn for Ever (Mega Drive & Super Nintendo)
#001 – Borderlands (Multi-support)